Last night at Live…

I’m happy to report we had another great service at Live last night. We continued our series, “Unbound” and God really got our young people’s attention. From a technical standpoint the service was a little off. We were working with a new sound board and so buttons were in different places than our crew was used to. Some of our transitions were rough, but you know, I’ve found that God has this strange habit of working, moving, and speaking to us despite the distractions. Don’t get me wrong, I want a technically sound service as much as anyone (and we’ll always strive for it) but God did great work despite our foul-ups.

We focused in and talked about Faith overcoming our worries. We talked about walking in and living out the Faith that we always love to talk about. We talked about the story in 1 Samuel 14 where Jonathan and his Armor Bearer go to attack the Philistines at their base camp. Despite being severely out numbered Jonathan’s attitude is something like, ““Perhaps the Lord will help us…” I don’t know about you, but if I’m trying a surprise attack on an enemy who vastly outnumbers me on his home turf I’d want to have a few more assurances than, “Perhaps.” I love Jonathan’s Faith.

I also love the Faith shown by the Armor Bearer. After Jonathan explains his master plan the Armor Bearer says, “Do what you think is best, I’m with you completely, whatever you decide.” WOW. Seriously? If it were me I’d be wondering if Jonathan had a death wish or something. I’d say, “You want ‘em? You got ‘em. You’re on your own buddy! Peace!” However, the Armor Bearer doesn’t do that. Instead, he shows great Faith in Jonathan and says I’m with you, COMPLETELY.

We talked last night about becoming a youth church comprised of both attitudes. Jonathan’s: The Faith to go attack the enemy at his base camp and to have the audacity to believe that God will be with you. The Armor Bearer’s: The ability to trust in leadership and give 100% commitment; to be completely on board.

Students came up front and we prayed that the same heart Jonathan and his Armor Bearer had would be in each of them. God met them at the altar and we had a great time of worship and prayer as service drew to a close.

The cool thing is the story doesn’t end there. Our students are living out their Faith. They are fasting, praying, and believing for spiritual breakthrough in their lives and in the lives of others. As we make the switch to three services this Sunday they are ready to serve like never before. Our students inspire and remind me that, “God, who began the good work within us, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians 1:6.

Better and brighter days ahead.

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