*Part five of seven in a series of posts called The Youth Church I See.
For the past week or so I have been writing about what kind of youth ministry I envision and I have really been enjoying it. It’s great to be able to sit down and think through what God has called me to do. It’s helped me dream about the future God has for me and our ministry and I have been constantly challenged by the thought, “Is my vision big enough?”
I pray that God would always keep the vision for my life and ministry in front of me. I love the work God has called me to and can’t imagine doing anything else with my life. I am humbled by His Grace, what a joy it truly is to be about His business.
Observation #5
I don’t want the kind of Youth Church where parents bring their students to “try it out.”
My Response:
…the Youth Church I see is full of students who have been changed by God and in turn are dragging their families to church with them on Sunday. I see a youth church that is adding to Fairwood Church, I want Fairwood to be known as a place where “World Class” Youth Ministry takes place. I see a youth church that strives for excellence in all that we do.
Just recently we’ve started to see this at our church. I’ve had several parents come to me and say my son or daughter told us we had to come check out the church. How cool is that? I love that our students are dragging their parents along.
Our youth ministry exists to build the church as a whole not just it’s own little kingdom. We want to connect students to God, His people, and His Church. I serve my Pastor best when our youth ministry attracts new students, that in turn reach their parents for Christ.
As for striving for excellence, what else should we be striving for? Yeah, truth is we rarely have a flawless night. There will always be something that could have been done better. I would rather have us do our best to be excellent than set the bar at mediocrity! Can’t you just feel the inspiration in that pre-service prayer time? “Alright team, let’s go out there and be AVERAGE!”
Point is, we won’t always achieve it, but we’re always shooting for excellence.