Swaziland Log Book #4

Tuesday July 21, 2009
Day 6 “Go Go”

After a good night’s rest we started day six by setting out to the Motjane Hope House. Our task was to help the builder move blocks (similar to cinder) and construct the new bathroom and shower facility for the orphan boys. I say new, but that would imply that there was an old. The boys staying at the Hope House orphanage haven’t had running water facilities for four years now.

When we reached the construction site with our work gloves and clothes we noticed very quickly that something was missing… the blocks. Doug, the missionary we’re working with here, told us at the outset of our work that the key word in missions work is flexibility. Here was our chance to put this concept into action.

With the building project on hold we hopped back into the van and drove through the village of Motjane. We had food for 10 houses on board and through the hilly and bumpy terrain we rode. At each stop we got out and gave the food, offered an encouraging word, and prayed for the families we visited.

As you may imagine, the living conditions were just like you see on those World Vision commercials. Small living quarters crammed with people. Yet, many of the families we visited were honored that we had come to their home. One man posed for a picture, but insisted that we show his chicken coup in the background.

My favorite stop was one where a, “Go Go” the Swazi word for grandmother, saw us from a distance and screamed, “Hallelujah!” As we approached her home she was literally dancing because we had come to visit her and bring food. This was a real life Go-go Go Go! Once we were inside her home she told us that she was the leader of the multiple families that were living on the land with her. She told that our presence made her feel as if Jesus had come to visit her today.

What an incredible thought, our simple visit to the grandmother made her sense and experience the love of Christ in a tangible way. There is no question that this visit blessed her, but it may have blessed us even more.

On the lighter side, we took sack lunches with us today as we would not have enough time to stop for food. My lunch included a tomato, cheese, and margarine sandwich. I’m sorry to report I was not brave enough to try it. Come to think of it, I’m not sure anyone did.

The blocks should be ready tomorrow and that means, I’ve got to bring my A-game. I’m looking forward to the challenge.

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