Dear Live Leaders…

Dear Live Youth Leaders,

While driving from Fairwood to Phoenix (24 ½ hours) I had a little to think, ponder, and reflect on some things. I write to you today out of heart that is exceedingly grateful for all you do to minister to the JH, HS, and college-aged students at our church. Words cannot really describe how thankful I am to have you as part of our team. Everyone always thinks it’s fluff to say it but it is nonetheless true… Ministry, on the level we wish to operate in, is NOT possible without dedicated leaders like you making it happen. I am impressed every week by the number of you that rearrange schedules, get baby-sitting, and take time off of work to minister with us. I’m not just talking about camp; I’m talking about EVERY Wednesday, Sunday, and Life Group night.

Stacey and I are thankful for you and I hope that you know how much we value you as part of our team. Our team is helping JH, HS, and college-aged students receive the grace that has been extended to them by our loving God. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us, our youth ministry, and our church in months, years, and decades to come. I have no doubt that God is up to something big in our ministry and you (the one reading this letter) are going to help usher in a new wave of God’s grace to this generation. I can’t think of anything else in the world worth giving your life for.

At our recent camp United 2010 we talked at length about the idea of unity. For whatever reason this has been something I’ve been thinking a lot about recently. I’ve studied it and read many scriptures on it and am now more convinced than ever that we must fight for the unity of our ministry. We must be vigilant in creating and maintaining an environment of unity, which will allow God’s grace to flow through us and to our students. I am both haunted and inspired by what God said about the people who building the Tower of Babel. When he saw the people working together to do evil he said, “The people are UNITED and they all speak the same language… nothing they set out to do will be impossible for them.” (Genesis 11:6, NLT)

I am calling for us to pursue and fight for the unity that God has given us through His only son, Jesus Christ. As we work and walk together in unity at the leadership level this will trickle down to our students. It has been said that everything rises and falls on leadership. I say let’s become a group of leaders that raise up young people around us that carry out the purpose of being God’s reconcilers. I hope you were as moved as I was by P. Brian’s vision for the church. (If you’d like to read it for yourself take a look here: For Fairwood Church’s vision and the vision of Live Youth Church to become realities we must walk and work together with unity.

The future is bright and you are a big reason why. Let’s walk into the promised land of vision that God has for us in all areas of our lives. The church, our youth ministry, our students, and me need you (the real you) to be who God has called you to be. Let’s move into that new land together.



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