Loners for Lunch

When I was a sophomore in high school I remember going on an adventure with God that changed me. One night at our youth service we were challenged to include people who didn’t hang with the crowd we normally did. We were challenged to “become friends with the friendless.”

The next day at school a friend and I decided to start up a “loner for lunch” program. Only we called it that for obvious reasons. We walked through the halls at lunch and gathered up all the students who sat by their lockers and ate lunch by themselves. Students were reluctant at first thinking that it was some kind of trap, but soon we had filled four tables with “loners.” Everyday we ate lunch and formed a sort of community.

This continued for a few months until we noticed something strange. The once so-called “loners” didn’t need us anymore. They came and sat with their newfound friends on their own. We no longer had to remind them everyday to join us. We had indeed become friends with the friendless. It was a tangible demonstration of what God has called us to do.

He’s called us to go on the adventure of sharing the good news of Christ with EVERYONE. Whether we think they will respond or not.

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