Grace Changes Everything… That’s G!

Grace changes everything. It’s a simple yet profoundly important statement. We know from scripture that Jesus is Grace personified which means that literally Jesus changes everything. Grace has already fulfilled the law. Grace gives me right standing with God. Grace / Jesus changes everything in my life.

As a church we have been in a series entitled Grace Changes Everything since mid May and it has been fun to see people’s lives being changed by God’s free gift of Grace.

We’ve also launched a website ; we’ve been inviting our people to visit the site and share what God’s Grace is doing in their lives. If you get a chance you should check it out too!

Our youth ministry has also jumped on board with the series that is transforming our church. We are in a series called That’s G!: God’s Grace in Everyday Life. We too have seen incredible results.

A group of young people who’ve been particularly inspired have started a group called the G-Team. Their self-described purpose is to spread God’s Grace through the community through acts of social justice, kindness, and fun challenges. They have a list of challenges and things they’re striving to accomplish before this summer is over. If you haven’t checked them out you’ve got to take a moment and watch this video:

Summer seems to be zooming right along. God is doing great things and lives are being changed. If you’re not involved what’s stopping you? God’s Grace is available, all you need to do is respond to His goodness.

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