Lift 2010: Riding the Wave

After an incredible summer camp the desire of everyone who experienced growth and life change is always the same: to continue what was started and to share it with others.

Over the years I’ve personally been challenged by this and want to help our young people, our leaders, and myself leverage what God did in and through us last week. My hope is that we could maximize our experience and use it to further the spread of the gospel right here in Fairwood (Renton, Kent, Covington, Maple Valley, Black Diamond, Auburn, Federal Way, Tukwila, Seatac, & New Castle).

Recently I attended (along with our staff) a conference at Champions Centre in Tacoma. The lead pastor, Kevin Gerald, shared a message entitled “Building Momentum,” I tucked away the notes knowing that I’d be digging them out following camp. God always does big things when we’re away together and I want to make sure we ride that wave of momentum as best we can. In addition, we should be preparing for the next wave that’s building on the horizon.

For simplicity sake his notes, words, & thoughts will be in bold. My thoughts, reactions, and encouragements will be italicized. 

1. Get ready, prepare yourself for momentum to shift in your favor… or it won’t.

Prior to camp our youth staff, key leaders, and students had been preparing our hearts to seize this moment. Our attitudes and expectancy should be the same as we prepare for the school year.

2. Momentum begins when you have a collaboration of the right people, at the right place, at the right time.

If you’re reading this post I truly believe you’re the person God wants to use to impact this generation of young people. The place is right here at Live Youth Church, and the time is now!

3. Momentum grows with back to back consecutive wins.

Just as we saw last March with big invite nights backed up with Live After parties. We need big nights followed up with big nights. Also, consistently good follow-up is key to maximizing momentum.

4. Momentum is all about sensing the time to accelerate.

If you’ve ever driven the go-karts at SyKart in Tukwila, you know that the right time to hit the gas is coming out of the turn. As we make the transition from camp to our school year we should be accelerating (foot to floor) as school starts.

5. Momentum advances when you coordinate SYNC.

What he’s saying in a nutshell about SYNC is this: Unity among a few is GREATER than the disunity among many. Lots of people going in various directions is not nearly as strong as a few who are on the same page. Gideon led an army trimmed from 22,000 to 300 to defeat an army of what many scholars believe was approximately 135,000. Why? Unity, SYNC, was vital to their success. 

6. Momentum grows by exceeding expectations.

Momentum will continue to build as we individually and corporately shatter barriers that have been in our way for years. MARK MY WORDS: We will surpass attendance records this year, we will see campus Bible studies established, and we will watch in amazement as God sets our students free from addiction… and that’s just the beginning. 

7. There’s no such thing as constant momentum.

Take the pressure off yourself! God is doing the work, He’s building the church, we are all serving alongside. He will lead us. It won’t always FEEL warm and fuzzy. When we don’t sense the momentum and we don’t feel like things are going our way that is the exact moment to engage our Faith!

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