About this same time last year I launched the Breakfast Cereal Challenge. It was a tournament similar to the famous NCAA college basketball tournament.
It started with 32 cereals in four distinct divisions (eight cereals per). Next, we all voted and decided that Lucky Charms was the best of the best. I can’t say I agree, but hey, you voted.
Anyway, I’m ready to host another tournament and I need you to help me. Like last year our tournament will run along the same schedule as the NCAA tournament. The major difference will be we’re voting for our favorite candies.
That’s right. The absolute best candy out there.
Snickers, Starburst, M & M’s, Skittles, or Twix; which is the best? You get to decide.
I need you to send me your three favorite candies. They can be in bar form (Snickers), individually wrapped (Kisses) or however else candy is packaged (Pixy Stix).
I’ll take your submissions and we’ll post a bracket. You’ll get a few days to fill one out, then the voting will begin.
Are you ready for some March Candy Madness?
If so, leave a comment on my Facebook with your three favorite candies. Let’s get this tournament started!