Did You Use S.O.A.P.?

I’m not sure why middle school age boys struggle with the shower thing.

After years of leading of summer and winter camps our middle school leaders still report getting their guys to shower is a major issue.

It makes me wonder if Mary had to remind Jesus at least once during His teen years.

Seriously, Jesus faced major temptation from Satan, but perhaps His greatest temptation was to lie and tell His mom He had showered and to let Him go play with His friends…

…But I digress.

I remember trying to cut corners while washing to save valuable seconds.

You know, splash some water around, skip the lather part, etc.

Afterwards my mom would always ask the question, “Did you use soap?”


Back in the tub.

Looking back it all this seems unthinkable to me now.

Why take a shower without using soap?

That’s gross.


Multiple days without bathing or showering?

I’m not French!

Alright, here’s my point. I’ve reached a point in my life (and I’m guessing you have to) at which using soap is essential EVERYDAY.

Truthfully multiple times throughout a day is preferred.

The same is true with the use of a different kind of S.O.A.P.

S.O.A.P. is an acrostic for a Bible study technique.

Tools required: Bible, Journal, & Pen

S-cripture – Out of the section of scripture your reading (our church Bible reading plan is a chapter a day) what is the one verse, phrase, truth that sticks out to you?

O-bservation – What do you notice about that verse? What did it mean to the people to whom it was originally written? What’s the context of the verse?

A-pplication – How does it apply to me today? What is God asking of me? What practical step can I take as a result of this truth?

P-rayer – Pray about it, ask God to help you to become more like Him.

We use this method in our youth Life Groups.

In addition to games, food, and hanging out together our groups take time to read the Bible together.

It’s simple. 

I love hearing students love share what God is showing them through their reading.

Let me ask you the question my mom used to ask me…

“Did you use S.O.A.P.?”


All this week I am going to post my Bible reading using the soap method. I think it would be cool if you’d do the same.

Please comment, post, or email me your observations and applications from the Bible Reading Plan.

Are you up for it?

We’re reading Romans 12 through 16 this week. Make sure to include the scripture that you’re writing about.


Romans 12

S-cripture – vs. 16b – “Don’t think you know it all!”

O-bservation(s) – Paul must have been dealing with a bunch of “know-it-all” types when he wrote this letter.

Know it all people are tough to be around.

Know it all peeps love to one up you.

They always seems to have the inside scoop.

They tend to make others feel stupid for not knowing what they know.

A-pplication – Don’t be that kind of person!

I must remain teachable.

I must remain humble and correctable.

I don’t know it all.

It’s okay to say, “I don’t know.”

There is always more to learn, more to achieve, and more room for growth.

I have NOT arrived.

I’m not a finished product, don’t be bothered when others make mistakes around me.

P-rayer – God help me stay teachable, humble and correctable.

One thing I know is that I don’t know it all. Help me stay hungry for growth.

Keep me in a place where I’m reaching to know and understand you more.

Give me grace for others and myself as we continue to be more like you.


Your turn.

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