By the time you read this post the MLB season will have officially begun in Japan. The Mariners and Athletics lead off the regular season schedule with two games in the Far East. The rest of the league will start next Wednesday and Thursday.
I love it. The beginning of the baseball season means a fresh start for everyone. Hope truly springs eternal.
This year baseball added an additional Wild Card slot as well. That means there will be one more team from each league that will get a shot at a title run.
The three division winners in each league will make the playoffs. The two teams with the next best records will be Wild Cards. They will compete in a one game playoff to see who advances to take on one of the division winners.
So without any further ado, here are my picks for the 2012 MLB season and playoffs:
AL WEST: Texas Rangers
AL CENTRAL: Detroit Tigers
AL EAST: Tampa Bay Rays
AL WILD CARDS: Los Angeles Angels & New York Yankees
AL PENANT: Tigers over Rays
NL WEST: Arizona Diamondbacks
NL CENTRAL: Cincinnati Reds
NL EAST: Atlanta Braves
NL WILD CARDS: Milwaukee Brewers & San Francisco Giants
NL PENANT: Reds over Braves
WORLD SERIES: Reds over Tigers in seven games.
This was fun to write and all, but what I’d really like is to have you join me and make some predictions of your own.
At the end of the season I’ll repost everyone’s selections and we can have a good laugh. Please use the same format that I did so it’s to compare predictions.
Oh yeah… I almost forgot, one more thing.
Play ball!
AL WEST: Angels
AL CENTRAL: Detroit Tigers
AL EAST: Yankees
AL WILD CARDS: Los Angeles Angels & Cleveland (???)
AL PENNANT: Tigers over Yankees
NL WEST: Giants
NL CENTRAL: Cincinnati Reds
NL EAST: Atlanta Braves, Phillies
NL WILD CARDS: Milwaukee Brewers & Atlanta Braves
NL PENANT: Reds over Giants
WS: Tigers
oops AL WILD CARD: Rangers and Cleveland (???)
Great minds… A classic Reds v. Tigers Series would be great.