Thank You Marge

On Friday July 27, 2012 NWLife Church lost a great lady and friend.

Marge McIntosh went home to Jesus after 94 well-lived years. She would have been 95 later in August.

Marge was kind, gracious and warm smile.

I had the privilege visiting Marge on a number of occasions.

In the summer of 2011 I went on two visits in back to back weeks as her health had taken a sharp downturn.

I expected a nurse to answer the door of her modest rambler home, but Marge and her wide smile welcomed me in.

We sat together in her living room and talked for nearly an hour during both visits.

She shared her story with me.

We talked about the places she’d lived and the people that were most important to her.

Marge loved to read the Bible.

I asked her what her favorite passages were and she had plenty.

I loved being able to read those to her.

I stopped every few verses to allow her to make commentary, which was a lot of fun.

One of the fondest memories I have is from my final in-home visit with Marge.

She had asked me what was going on with the youth ministry and me during the summer.

I told her about summer camp and how we were trying to get as many students there as possible.

She smiled and reached for her purse.

As she did I spoke up and said, “No, no. You don’t need to do that.”

She insisted.

After a short debate that I ended up losing she got her way.

Marge donated money to our camp so that every student would have a chance to go.

It wasn’t the largest financial gift we’ve ever received towards camp, but it may be my personal favorite.

I’ll always remember her insistence that I take it.

Thanks Marge, your gift made a difference in the lives of our students.

We’ll miss you.

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