Tension Point

I love a good tension point.

They’re fun to use in writing and in speaking because they make people think.

A great tension point in leadership is the relationship between consistency and change.

I once asked another leader I look up to what the he thought the key to growth and momentum was and after a long pause he answered, “The tension between consistency and change.”

We need both.

In a world where change is constant and rapid, consistency is key. That’s easy to write after nine years in the same position and over 20 in the same church, but it’s no less true.

There have been numerous times I’ve questioned my role.

Am I the right guy? Should I be doing something else?

Yet, I come back to this thought. Our youth ministry, our leaders, the smiles and encouragement we bring students on Wednesdays and Sundays may be the most consistent part of their lives. Hang in there. It’s worth it.

On the flip side if you’re not allowing room for change things will get stagnant.

We must introduce change as a means to keep things fresh and new.

We have very basic service structures for our youth and Sunday church services, yet we work hard to be creative within those confines.

Change brings excitement, fear, and at times even resentment.

But at least in conjures up some emotion.

Keeping things the same can lull people to sleep or worse, apathy.

I love the challenge of being both changing things and keeping things consistent.

The same and different.

Static and dynamic.

We need both.


Ask yourself:

What are some things in need of a shake up?

What are some areas where I need to be more consitent?

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