Fear of Rejection

There was a really popular worship song a few years back.

It seemed like every church was singing it.

Do you recognize these lyrics?

I’m forgiven because you were forsaken
I’m accepted, You were condemned
I’m alive and well
Your spirit is within me
Because you died and rose again

Amazing love how can it be?
That my king would die for me
Amazing love I know it’s true
It’s my joy to honor you
In all I do
I honor you

The song is titled “You Are My King” and is commonly referred to as “Amazing Love.”

I remember being in a worship service in which the lead singer was passionately leading us through the song.

The music was building; he had his best worship face on (a mix of sincerity and being kicked below the waist), and was beginning to use hand gestures.

He sang out for all to hear:

“I’m forgiven because you were forsaken
I’m REJECTED, You were condemned.”

Despite looking up like a deer in headlights he finished the song… unfortunately his passion waned a bit.

My sister and I lost it completely.

I couldn’t concentrate.

She couldn’t stop laughing.

How sad would church be if we really had to live by and sing those lyrics?

I’m rejected. God rejects me. God wants nothing to do with me.

Unfortunately, many people believe this about God.

Even worse, the reason they believe it is because many church people have been living out this brand of Christianity.

Jesus went to the cross for ALL.

No one was left out.

He didn’t die for certain people and not others.

He died once for all.

We are accepted by God because of Jesus.

Not only accepted we are precious to him.

He loves us and we are incredibly valuable to him.

Our God is a good and faithful father, he won’t leave us or turn his back on us.

“The Lord will not reject his people, he will not abandon his special possession.” (Psalm 94.14, NLT)

Let’s help people get to know our God.

The God who loves and accepts, not one who’s eager to judge and condemn.

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