I was raised Catholic.
I experienced my first communion at St. Stephens, about 200 yards from where I’m sitting now.
My first taste of stale wafers and bad wine.
One of the parts of Mass (the church service) I remember most was the prayer request portion.
We’d be on the kneelers, a little fold-out from the pew (wooden bench) in front of you, that gave you a break from sitting on the pew.
The priest would read out a list of things the church was praying for.
After each item everyone in attendance would repeat together, “Lord, hear our prayer.”
I like the idea of praying together for the needs of people.
This is how I was trained as a Catholic to do it.
Here are a few prayer requests from our youth ministry:
- For my mom who went to jail and is an alcoholic
- That I’ll be able to get my schedule to work so I can be at church more
- For my two closest friends
- For my shoulder surgery
- For my friend to keep his new job
- For my dad
We are praying and believing for a miracle in each of these situations. When you think about it, pray with us.
It’s even okay to use the phrase, “Lord, hear our prayer.”
Also, here are a few things we’re celebrating:
- I signed up to get baptized
- Thank you Lord! My Aunt’s tumor is significantly smaller! One step closer to being cancer free.
- That my friend finally said yes and came to church with me
Thanks for praying with us.
I am confident He will hear us and respond.