Now >> Get Involved (Guest Post)

Today’s post comes to you from Leslie Wheeler.

In addition to being a great mom, Leslie helps get people from “potential” volunteers to functioning ones.

I asked Leslie to write about our process here at NWLife when it comes to getting involved.


Now is the Time to Get Involved

I love to Volunteer.

I grew up watching my parents volunteer almost every week in different areas of our church.

For me it’s natural and fun, but if it’s a new concept for you I understand how it can seem scary or intimidating.

Let me break it down for you and eliminate the fear of the unknown.

At NWLife church, when you check the box “I’m ready to serve/volunteer at NWLife church” on your connect card I will send you an email and let you know the specific areas that need volunteers.

I will ask you some questions about what you might be interested in and what service times work best for you.

That’s it! Scary right?!

Then you just reply and we can find a place that not only fits your specific interests and skills, but a place that I believe you will really enjoy!

Go ahead and just give it a try!

If you start by making coffee and end up wishing you were greeting people instead, you can switch!

I’ve volunteered in Kid’s ministry, youth ministry, info center and espresso bar over the years. As my interests and skills changed and developed I moved into different areas to accommodate that.

Recently, as my life stage changed to the mom of an active toddler, I’ve had to change again.

I had to find a place where I can still do the job, but have my little shadow with me. We can find a place that works for you!

Let’s build the church together!

Let’s make sure that every volunteer role is filled, let’s create new roles because we have so many people wanting to participate.

You can do it, you’ll enjoy it and the time is NOW!

I’m looking forward to helping you find your place!

Now is >

3 thoughts on “Now >> Get Involved (Guest Post)

  1. Love this! Thanks for the guest posts- so fun. You guys keep doing great things while we’re away. So proud of you all!! And grateful/thankful…

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