He Wanted More

My dad is one of the funniest people I know… no that’s wrong… he IS the funniest person I know. He has an unusual ability to sneak in hilarious lines at times when you’re not expecting it.

My dad is not perfect, yet he has been a wonderful example to his four kids and three grandchildren when it comes to being a loving husband and father.

What I find remarkable is that he has been able to be a loving father when he not fortunate enough to have a consistent, loving father raise him. His dad and step dad loved him, but my dad’s consistency as a loving husband and father far exceeds his predecessors.

My dad’s upbringing was rough. His parents did the best they could, however a healthy and stable are not the first words I would use to describe how was raised.

By the time my mom and dad were about to be married he told me they made a conscious choice that divorce would never be an option in their marriage.

My dad mentioned that he wanted his children to know and live with their loving father. Something, he was unable to experience. He wanted more for his kids then he had for himself.

This was a key factor in my dad’s ability to break the cycle of brokenness that marred his childhood.

Yes, God’s grace is THE key factor.

Yes, my amazing mom has been the perfect companion and has helped build the happy home and upbringing that I’m blessed to say I come from.

But somewhere in my dad’s late teens and early twenties he had to decide to stand up against what the likely scenario for his life would have been. He had to say, “I want better for my kids. I’m not going to allow separation and divorce to mark my legacy.”

I’m thankful my dad decided he wanted a different life. I’m thankful that repeating the same mistakes wasn’t good enough for him. I’m thankful he wanted more and better for us.

Happy birthday Dad.

Thanks for wanting more.

3 thoughts on “He Wanted More

  1. Andy and Norm,

    I have admired the way Uncle Norm raised you four and supported his family since I was young enough to recognize the effort. Denise and I have made the same conscious choice to break the cycle of divorce and weekend parenting that plagued my childhood. I hope to one day be half as good a father as Uncle Norm with my two daughters! Thanks for always showing the way and happy birthday!

  2. I suspect no matter what choice I made, it wouldn’t have mattered if the amazing (and always lovely) Katie had not chosen me. She is my miracle of miracles

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