DJ and I are back together on the podcast.
We’re talking about having a “Heart for What You Know.”
Do you recognize the new theme music?
If you comment below with the artist and song title we’ll send you a Starbucks gift card.
Take a listen here:
Comment below with your favorite ballpark foods.
Remember, be the first to name the artist and song to win a Starbucks gift card.
Thanks for listening.
Jay Z Magna carta holy Grail, picasso,
Best 5 ball park food
5)Ball Park Dog
4)Chilly Cheese Fries
3)Roasted Peanuts
2)Garlic Fries
1)Carne Asada
Winner, winner. Come by the church and pick up your card?
Or I can bring it when you take me to lunch at Taco Time.
I thought it was the intro to “The Piña Colada Song”
At the ballpark all I need is a bratwurst and some peanuts. Maybe even not the peanuts