Ever go through those times in life when nothing seems to be going right?
You miss every yellowish / red light.
The bus pulls away from the stop as you’re hustling towards it.
There’s a pop quiz the one day you forgot to do the required reading.
There’s enough in this check to pay most, but not all of the bills.
You’re passed up for the promotion. Again.
You’re in the middle of a slump.
Nobody is slump-proof.
We all experience them and… well, they suck.
It’s like the prayers you pray bounce off the ceiling and rattle around your room.
There’s no forward progress, you feel like you’re treading water or worse.
Everyone goes through slumps in life. Being slump proof is impossible.
We stop the slumps from coming. They’re inevitable. Like death and taxes.
And another disappointing Mariners season.
In the Men’s recovery group I attend each week we say a prayer to open and close the meeting.
It’s called the Serenity Prayer and here’s the part we pray together:
“God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can.
And the wisdom to know the difference.”
I believe understanding and living out the truth of this prayer is key to making it through all the stuff life throws our way:
Success. Slumps. Stagnation.
The antidote, the remedy, the cure is Serenity.
1. the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.
Wow. It sure looks great on paper.
It’s even fun to pray the prayer.
But to live this truth out? That’s where the rubber meets the road.
I’m learning to pray this everyday and actually mean it.
The prayer is NOT for a perfect life, a smooth path and a problem free existence.
The prayer is for developing the ability to handle life with grace, peace and courage. It’s for wisdom and calm when the storms roll through.
The Serenity Prayer does NOT make me slump proof. It helps me remember to lean on Him when life is crazy.
Health concerns with Nolan: serenity.
Drama, stress, packed schedules: serenity.
Kids being crazy and fighting in the back seat: serenity.
God, help me accept the things I cannot change.
Give me courage to make the changes I can and need to make.
Jesus, help me know the difference.
Here’s a truth from Jesus you can count on:
“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows…”
Wow. Thanks for the encouragement, Jesus.
“…But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16.33)
Is anyone truly slump-proof?
But we can have peace in the middle of the storm when we remember He is with us and His spirit lives within us.