
When it comes to holding grudges I admit it… I have dabbled.

I’ve tried, I’ve held on to things for too long, even nursed the hurt for a while, but after some time I come to the same conclusion, grudges suck.

Some people use slights and past pain to propel them forward, Michael Jordan is a great example of this.

In his Hall of Fame induction speech he details people in his life (grudges he’s held) that have pushed him to achieve.

Once, after receiving a rejection letter from Western Washington University for admission I thought, “This is my chance.”

I planned to frame the letter and look at it everyday in hopes it would inspire me in my academic pursuits.

I promptly lost the letter a few days later and never had the benefit of using it for fuel.

Looking back on it I can’t help but laugh and wonder if my disorganization had anything to do with me not getting into Western.

It seems like human nature to hold onto grudges doesn’t it?

But why? What do we really gain?

The longest grudge I ever held was so foolish it’s not even writing about.

I’m so embarrassed about it. I thought I was holding onto information and pain that would indict the guilty party; yet all I was doing was making a fool of myself.

Eventually I let it go and forgave.

It’s amazing, I felt better in that moment of forgiveness than I had felt throughout the entirety of my grudge holding.

Forgiveness was the remedy I desperately needed.

I was duped into feeding, massaging, and nursing my grudge. I thought it would help.


Grudges suck.

Forgiveness is where I found freedom.

Today is the perfect day to forgive.

Not tomorrow, today.

Grudges will surface when you hold onto to hurts and refuse to forgive.

It’s as if a toxin begins to build up in you when you don’t forgive.

Banish bitterness, rage and anger, shouting and slander, and any and all malicious thoughts—these are poison. Instead, be kind and compassionate. Graciously forgive one another just as God has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4.31-32, The Voice)

Forgiveness frees us up to love again and move on.

“Forgiveness is surrendering my right to hurt you for hurting me.”

I am so thankful I serve a God who doesn’t hold grudges.

He is quick to forgive.

He is eager to love me as I am.

Remember today:

Grudges suck.

Forgiveness is your key to walking in freedom again.

Who do you need to forgive today?