Asking the Right Questions

“When life hands you lemons make lemonade.”

I hate that saying. There’s truth in it, but it comes off shallow.

Of course it’s meant to encourage people when times are tough, but what about people that don’t like lemonade? What are they supposed to do?

Difficult times are sure to come no matter who you are. The question is how do you get through? How will cope with when times are tough?
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Embracing Your Place as Replaceable

I remember hearing this motivating and inspirational message about being obedient.

The speaker raised an interesting question while retelling the story of Saul / Paul’s conversion in the book of acts.He commended Ananias for his obedience. He was the guy whom God called to minister to Saul (a huge enemy of Jesus followers at the time).

“But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”

Then Ananias went…” (Acts 9.15-17, NLT)

It’s an amazing story really. Saul is healed, converted, baptized and gets a name change in a matter of moments.
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Dad & Me (replay)

In honor of Father’s Day I thought it’d be fun to re-post one of my favorite podcasts of all-time.

My dad, Norm Jones, sat down with me a couple years ago and we talked about dad stuff:

  • Playing with your kids
  • Band Concerts
  • What’s better: Being Dad or Papa?


I’m grateful my dad broke the cycle of divorce, instability & abuse for me and my siblings.

His decision to build a healthy marriage has had and will continue to have a positive impact on our family for years to come.


Love you dad and Happy Father’s Day.

The Blessing of a Bad Mood

Confession time: I can count on one finger the amount of times I’ve gone to church in a mood as sour as I was in this past Sunday.

Seriously. I’m not being melodramatic. I was in a funk.

My girls were wonderful and ready to go on time.

Lincoln however was not.

He was seemingly on a mission to be as difficult as possible.

Tantrum after tantrum was unleashed.

Add that to an overly tired dad and a busy week of driving to and from Children’s Hospital for our youngest and you have the perfect storm of bad moods.
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