Guilt and regret are powerful motivators.
Not always the most productive, but very powerful.
As humans we’re wired to feel. We feel all sorts of emotions; guilt and regret are some of the strongest.
I wonder about my own life sometimes…
“If only _______________ would have happened.”
“If only _______________ had not happened.”
Wondering about such things is not a bad thing.
Becoming obsessed and consumed by these thoughts is a great way to stop moving forward in life. It’s a trap.
Living in the land of “if only” is a great way to never experience God’s grace for your life today.
Believe me, I’ve tried.
If only I would have made the baseball team my senior year.
If only I would have been accepted into that school.
If only I wouldn’t have said that terrible thing to them.
If only keeps you reliving your past, distracts you from now, and blocks you from your future.
There are no flux capacitors; Back to the Future is just a fun 80’s and 90’s movie series.
You and I can’t go back and change things. All we can do is move forward with an assurance that we are loved, cared for and believed in by God.
He’s not mad at you. He loves you. We are forgiven and He has great plans for you.
Move out of the land of “If Only” and live in the land of the here and now.
There is forgiveness for your past and hope for your future here.
Paul, author of most of the New Testament had every reason to live in the past.
He was a BAD DUDE.
He persecuted Christians and watched as they were stoned to death right in front of him.
Talk about guilt and regret.
After his conversion his life was radically different. He could lived in the “If Only” realm, instead he was able to experience forgiveness and move ahead.
I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. (Philippians 3.13-14, NLT)
Now it’s your turn.
The past is just that… it’s passed. Let it go. Move on.
Be forgiven. Forgive others.
Experience God’s grace and mercy today.
The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. (Lamentations 3. 22-23, NLT)
No more “If Only” living. That’s guilt and regret talking.
You are loved, cared for and believed in. That’s God’s grace at work in your life.
Make that your new motivation today.