I Don’t Know What We’re Yelling About!

One of my favorite characters from the Anchorman movies is Brick Tamland.

He’s friendly, agreeable and smiles all the time.

He also rarely knows what’s going on around him.

In one particular scene an argument has erupted in the newsroom and because Brick doesn’t want to be left out he chimes in with one of my favorite lines from the first movie, “I don’t know what we’re yelling about!”

After more yelling Brick bursts in again with, “Loud noises!”

It’s these two lines that perfectly illustrate some weekday mornings at my house as Stacey and I prepare for work and to get the kids to school.
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I Feel Like a Fraud

As a pastor I’ve done my share of funerals.

They’re never fun.

People are hurting and are searching for answers.

Answers I wish I had, but rarely do.

I recently had to lead the memorial service of a close friend’s stepdad.

He died unexpectedly after 42 years here on earth.

Repeated heart surgeries were performed, but ultimately his body gave way.

As you can imagine the family is hurting and doing their best to comfort one another.

I’ve done my best to coach my friend through this horrible time. I’ve tried to comfort him with encouraging words. Tried to cheer him up in various ways, but the truth is I simply can’t relate to the pain he’s feeling.

I’ve never had someone really close to me pass away like he has.

After meeting with his family and planning the memorial service I’m struck by how strong his family is and how they’ve rallied together through tragedy.

I can’t help but personalize all this.

Acting strong for my friend and his family makes me feel like a bit of a fraud.

I have an infant son facing an impending open-heart surgery. How would I handle losing him? Am I willing to trust God the way this family is?

I hope so.

Until then I keep asking God for help.

Help me trust you. Help me bring comfort to others. Help me know you’re with me all the way.

All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy!

He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us.

(2 Corinthians 1.3-5, The Message)

My Prayer for My Kids

My wife wrote this awhile back but I love it so much it’s worth re-posting:


At a conference I recently attended there were some girls ranging in age from 6 to 10 in attendance.

I enjoyed seeing these precious little girls raising their hands in worship with smiles on their faces.

It was clear they loved being a part of the conference, almost like they expected even at this young age, something life changing was going to take place.

Or, at the very least, they felt special they were there.

During the three days, my focus kept going to one little girl in particular.

She reminded me of my Andrea Grace.

Same age, height, and pretty.

I loved watching her worship.

I enjoyed watching this little girl observe others around her worshiping.

It was so sweet and made me think of how blessed I am to know that my children will grow up with the peace, knowing there is something greater than themselves.

They will have direction in their life in good times and bad, because they have the words of Jesus stamped in their heart.

I’m so glad our kids are growing up in a welcoming, loving church.

I’m thrilled they are getting to know Jesus live out their God given purpose.

It’s funny how God works.

There were so many amazing speakers at the conference and words said that had an impact on me.

Yet, what resonated with me most, was watching the children in front of me.

I found myself praying something like this, but probably not as eloquently:

“Dear Jesus, I pray that my children will always love and serve You. I love them so much and can’t imagine my life without them, but more than that, I can’t imagine them living their lives’ without You. May they always have a heart sensitive to Your leading.”

My husband and I want the very best life for our children, like every other parent in this world does.

We are definitely far from perfect, all of us are.

If I’m praying a prayer like the one I mentioned above, I want to ensure I’m leading by example so it’s not just an empty prayer.

If I didn’t, it would be equivalent to me praying to God about my finances, but taking zero action to lead to a favorable outcome.

We wholeheartedly believe one of the greatest gifts we can give to our children is living our lives for Jesus and being deeply involved in the hope of the world… the local church.

I look forward to each night my children go to bed because number one, they are in bed and number two; I get to listen to their honest prayers.

I look forward to Sunday’s because it is their favorite day of the week and they pretty much smile all day long.


Stacey, please write more often.

My Most Loyal Follower

“One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living.Jesus called out to them,

“Come, follow me,

and I will show you how to fish for people!” (Mark 1.16-17, NLT)

My two-year-old son Lincoln is a great follower.

I never even had to ask him to, he just does it.

When I walk into the kitchen, Lincoln follows.

When I look in the pantry for a snack (which is fairly often) guess who is right by my side? Lincoln.

When I brush my teeth he comes running into the bathroom with his toothbrush begging for some toothpaste.

When I do yard work (which is not as often as I go to the pantry) he comes out and immediately starts picking at the grass.

It doesn’t stop with activity.

Lincoln is in repeat mode. He loves to copy everything I say including tone and facial expression.

This is all cute and at times very alarming.

Lincoln is my most loyal follower.

I want to be like him when it comes to following Jesus.

He is simple and childlike in his love, devotion, and follower-ship (I just made that word up) of his dad.

I want to simple and childlike in my love, devotion, and follower-ship of Jesus.

I want to say what Jesus says. I want to use the same tone and compassion he used too.

I want to be generous with grace the way He is.

I want to be around people and love them the way Jesus did while he was on earth.

I want to be like Jesus, his most loyal follower.

Speaking, giving, and loving the way He does.

Sure Lincoln is my most loyal follower, but maybe I’m learning more from him than he is from me.