Opening Day Predictions 2014 (part 1)

I love baseball.

Every spring I trick myself into being hopeful about my hometown Seattle Mariners.

This year is no different. I’m overly excited about the possibility of the Mariners having a miracle season.

To welcome in the Major League Baseball season my good friend and fellow sports fan Kyle Wheeler joins me to talk about my favorite sport.

We’ll predict how the season will go and invite you to do the same.

Listen in and make your predictions today.

Do You Know Your Blind Spots?

I still remember my first car accident.

It was my fault completely.

And yes… I forgot to check my blind spot.

Knowing that you have them and knowing where they are is key to success in driving and leadership.

So here’s the question:

Do you know what your blind spots are?

DJ and I discuss blind spots and leadership together on today’s podcast.

Also, we preview a new two minute podcast that makes its debut next Tuesday.

We need you to participate and cast a vote by commenting on this post or on Facebook.

Take a listen.