The Perfect Season

Last night our softball team, the Magelistics (pronounced Magilistics), were in danger of becoming the Detroit Lions of city league softball.

The 2008 Detroit Lions finished the NFL season 0-16. The Lions are the only NFL team to go 16 regular season games without at least one win.

The 1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers are the original losers with a perfect 0-14 that year.

Going into last night’s double header the Magilistics we were 0-12.

Could we do it? Could we pull off the impossible? Could we complete the perfect losing season?

It sounds easy, but to get to that point we had to work hard.

We didn’t just lose.

We made losing look bad… or good, depending on how you look at it.

Losing had become our unique art form.

When we were ahead late we’d lose on the other team’s last at bat.

When we had chances to win late, we’d leave our winning runs on base.

Here are the scores of our 12 loses:













So there we were last night, with a chance to make history.

We promptly lost our first game 15-5 and that set up a historic showdown.

It was going to be a rematch between the second to last place team in our league and us.

Sofa King, was a juggernaut.

They were 2-11 going into the final game. Did I mention, they had defeated us 11-0 in our only other meeting of the year?

We came out hot and at one point we were up 19-7 with a chance to end the game early with the 10 run rule (up by 10 runs or more after the 5th inning).

Sofa King fought back and after five and a half innings led 23-19.

The Magilistics would not be denied however and scored 10 runs in the bottom of the sixth.

Leading 29-23 going into the seventh the Magilistics had a chance to close out an imperfect season at 1-13.

The final inning started off rocky as Sofa King’s lead off batter reached base on an error.

The Magilistics finished strong though, ending the game and recording their first win of the season.

So there you have it, an imperfect end to a nearly perfect season.

It feels good to be 1-13.

Next up, playoffs.

I think we are primed for a deep run this year.

What Are You Doing This Summer?

This podcast goes out to all the parents and students who are trying to get their schedules straight for the summer.

I sat down with P. Shawn Seeley and asked him about what he was doing this summer.

He shares details about what’s going on for students this summer at NWLife Church.

Grab a pen, listen up, and get the details here:

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If this is helpful, please share this podcast with a friend.

Get the Rebound

The NBA Finals are over. The draft is tomorrow. I was mildly interested in the games as it still hurts that our team was taken away from us here in Seattle.

You don’t have to know basketball very well to understand the value of a rebound. It’s value it’s really quite simple.

A rebound while your team is on defense gives your team a chance to go to the other end of the court and score more points. It represents a new possession.

An offensive rebound (a rebound gained while your team is on offense) offers a fresh shot clock, and yet more opportunity to score.

Your missed shot attempt is forgotten and all you have to do is focus on the next one.

Rebounds are wonderful. They represent second chances. They help win games. Rebounds win championships.

Idea of rebounding is found in the Bible as well.

The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. (Proverbs 24.16)

Paul writes about how God wants to use imperfect people to change the world. God uses people who have missed shots; people who rebound.

I love this verse in 1 Corinthians chapter one where Paul writes, “God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are.”

Don’t believe me? Take a look at this list of people throughout scripture who were excellent rebounders:

Abraham – Liar, Elderly & Sterile…
…Father of Nations

Jacob – Thief, Liar & Deceiver…
…Father of the 12 Tribes of Israel

Moses – Murderer & Stutterer…
…Led the God’s people out of slavery

Rahab – Prostitute…
…Helped Israelite spies escape Jericho

Sampson – Covenant breaker…
…Hero God used to save Israel

Gideon – Coward, least in his family…
…Hero who once again saves Israel

David – Scrawny musician, youngest brother…
…Became Israel’s King

David (Part 2) – Adulterer, Assassin & Conspirator…
…A man after God’s own heart?

Solomon – Love child (conceived in affair)…
…Built God’s Temple

Israel’s Kings – Each one virtually worse than the previous…
…Placed in authority by God

Prophets – Cooked food using dung for fuel, married prostitute, lying around naked…
…Chosen to Speak for God

Mary – Unwed Teen Pregnancy…
…Gave birth to the Savior of all mankind

John the Baptist – Locust eater w/ no fashion sense…
…Prepared the way for Jesus & baptized Him

Jesus – Plain looking, unassuming homeless man…
…Savior and Lord of All

Disciples – uneducated fishermen, crooked tax collectors, anarchist, dishonest, stiff necked & unbelieving…
…Chosen by Jesus to change the world

Peter – Quick tempered, potty-mouthed, Christ denying no good…
…Cornerstone for the NT church

Paul – Working to arrest all Christ followers in his path…
…Author of most of the NT, Evangelist, Church Planter

And the list could go on.

Have you missed a shot or two in your lifetime?

No problem, go for the rebound.


Today’s podcast guest is no rookie when it comes to the studio.

His podcast, PB Mini-Bytes is released every Monday and is one of his many features on

If you’re wanting to grow as a leader, his site SHOULD BE a daily read.

Fo realz.

Anyway, “Pablo” joins me on the podcast today and we talk about lots of stuff including:

  • Bowling
  • Pop Chips
  • Saved by the Bell


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Listen and enjoy.

Just a Thought

Just a thought…

Often when I’m around people that are praying I hear things like:

“Lord we just pray that you would….”

“We’re just asking that you…”

“Lord, just show up tonight…”

I’m not trying to be hyper-critical or anything; I just feel like it’s time we drop the just when we pray.

It’s as if we’re asking God to do something in our lives as long as it’s not too much of an inconvenience for Him.

In all of these cases the word just comes off… well… just so passive.

It’s like what we’re really saying is, “Hey it’d be nice if you could lend a hand down here God, that is of course if you’re not tied up.”


“Hey God, I know you have a lot to do so if you could just get this one tiny favor taken care of I’d really appreciate it.”

When I read scripture I read things like:

“If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face… I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” (2 Chronicles 7.14)

“You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it… Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” (John 14.13-14)

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.” (James 1.5)

I propose that we eliminate the “just-prayers” from our repertoire.

They seem so wimpy.

Let’s boldly ask, believe, and expect God to act on our behalf.

We serve a risen savior who is for us; in fact, He says we’re going to do even greater things than He did:

“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works…” (John 14.12)

From now on let’s pray risky prayers, you know, prayers that make you nervous.

And let’s not be so shocked when He answers.

Just sayin’…