Joy in Failure

I’m a goal setter.

I have a goal weight I’d like to reach.

I have a goal for the number of children Stacey and I will have.

I have a goal for how much I want to bench press by the time I turn 32.

I have all kinds of goals.

They are personal and professional.

I suppose some are private, meaning I won’t be sharing them in this post.

As a youth ministry we set a goal recently.

On Wednesday, our youth ministry kicked off our NWLife Church’s Together Conference with a special service called Together Night.

I set the goal for our students that on that night we would see 50 people respond to the message and put their faith and trust in Jesus.

Together our goal was to see 50 people receive the Grace (Jesus) that is freely available to them because of the cross.

I’m sad to report today that we failed.

We didn’t reach our goal.

On Wednesday night, as our guest speaker Pastor Elijah Waters concluded the service and asked our students to respond, only 42 did… sigh.

Only 42 asked for a fresh start with God.

Only 42 received the unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness that is ours through Christ.


I’ve never felt so good about a goal unmet in my life.

What a start to Together 2012.

Services continue all weekend long.

We’d love to have you come along… but don’t show up alone.

Bring a friend, or two, or 42.

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