Worth Celebrating

I enjoy get-togethers.

I like a good celebration.

Parties are fun.

It all energizes me: the décor, the people and probably most importantly the food.

One of the best parties I ever attended was a wedding reception for my cousin.

He married a Jewish girl and the party was amazing.

From the moment they yelled, “Mazel tov!” and broke the glass the celebration was on.

Loud music, great food and substandard yet stupendous dancing ensued.

They even did that really cool chair dance thing like you see in movies it was so much fun.

The room was filled for hours with laughter, smiles and joy.

I’ve never thrown a party close to one like that.

There are moments in life that require celebration. Today happens to be one of those days.

Today, January 14, 2015, marks one year since our son Nolan underwent open-heart surgery to repair a heart defect he was born with.

nolan andrea








It’s really quite amazing to think about.

That day was an important day in our family.

So many people prayed and believed with us. So many supported us throughout the whole thing.

We felt loved and cared for in ways we never had before.

Today I’m reminded of the words to a song we’re currently singing in church.

I will look up for there is none above You
I will bow down to tell You that I need You
Jesus Lord of all

I will look back and see that You are faithful
I look ahead believing You are able
Jesus Lord of all, Jesus Lord of all

We sensed Jesus by the presence of so many who tangibly showed us his love through, hugs, cards, flowers, time, acts of service and food… lots of it.


Today Nolan is getting stronger and stronger.

He’s had Pneumonia four times since his surgery, but has bounced back well each time.

He’s as happy as ever and is learning how to crawl and eventually walk.

He’s eating solids and loves his bottles.

He laughs and smiles constantly.

Nolan Andrea Pumpkin 14








He’s a source of joy to our family and all who know him.

In Nolan, we’ve been given a most precious and powerful gift.

Nolan reminds us everyday of God’s goodness and kindness.

Today we celebrate the anniversary of the surgery that saved his life.

Thanks to every doctor and nurse at Children’s Hospital in Seattle.

Thanks to everyone that has been praying, supporting and caring for our family.

Thank you Jesus for our sweet boy, Nolan Jacob Jones.


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