Same Track, Different Directions

Christmas time is a time for hope.

Hope for peace on earth and goodwill toward men.

Kids are hoping to get lots of good stuff under the tree.

Parents are hoping their kids return safe for the holidays and cherish the memories made with the little ones still at home.

Hope is what Christmas is really all about.

We celebrate hope that arrived 2,000+ years ago.

God became human in an effort to bring humanity back to relationship with him.

Hope is what it’s all about.

Hope is the belief that what is wanted will happen or that events will turn out for the best.

Hope is a noun.

Hope is a verb.

Hope is a form of expectation.

Conversely, so is fear. defines fear as, “to anticipate (something unpleasant) with a feeling of dread or alarm.

Fear and Hope run on the same track of anticipation but in opposite directions.

Fear anticipates disaster.

Hope anticipates rescue.

Life is full of surprises, both pleasant and unfortunate ones.

Storms and sunny days are part of life for everyone.

Because of the hope we have in Jesus we can choose to be hopeful no matter what comes our way.

Stacey and I are facing open-heart surgery for our youngest son Nolan.

It’s scary. Being afraid is a very real option.

Yet I will not fear.

I refuse to anticipate disaster.

Instead I hope.

I’m anticipating healing.

My hope is in Jesus.

It’s a daily choice.

I will continue to choose hope, to choose Jesus.

Get going in the right direction with your expectations.

Choose hope.

Christmas Toys

Christmas is coming and so is our annual Great Big Toy Giveaway!

Here are a few toys I remember from my childhood as well as a little more info about how you can be involved in giving this Christmas season.


5. My Pet Monster

Sure he looks scary, but he really just wants to be your friend. My brother Shaun had one growing up and he protected Shaun well through the years.

4. He-Man Action Figure

I loved He-Man. I watched the show, had all the action figures (even Skeletor’s Castle), and would role play fight scenes for hours.

3. Nintendo Entertainment System

This was the first gaming system I ever spent my own money on. Shaun and I saved for three years (or three months) to have enough money to purchase it. It came with Super Mario Brothers and Duck Hunt. This is an all-time favorite for sure.

2. Kermit the Frog

Kermit was given to me for my 2nd birthday. Though I don’t remember, I am told I danced around with him for an hour after opening him up… I still have him.

1. Alvin Davis Starting Lineup Action Figure

My all-time favorite toy is also my all-time favorite athlete. He played first base for the Seattle Mariners from 1984-1991 and earned the nickname, “Mr. Mariner.” Even though he’s not behind the plastic I still have this toy too.


I write about all this to illustrate the point that toys are a BIG DEAL to kids.

At NWLife our annual toy drive is an opportunity to help children and families that find themselves in a tough spot this holiday season.

Please bring some brand new toys for both boys and girls to NWLife on Sunday and throughout the weeks leading up to Christmas.

The Great Big Toy Giveaway takes place on December 22nd following our 5 pm service.

Thanks for giving and Merry Christmas.