A Story Worth Sharing


In February we are launching a Celebrate Recovery program at NWLife.

This is a program for people working through hurts, hang ups and habits.

Celebrate Recovery is what would happen if church and AA had a baby.

It’s a Christ-centered recovery program. The “higher power” has been identified. His name is Jesus.

An essential part of Celebrate Recovery is people sharing their stories with those in attendance. In fact, every other week during the CR service somebody does.

As we train our leaders to launch Celebrate Recovery a major hurdle for so many people is helping them muster the courage to share.

Everyone has a story worth sharing. Everyone.

Your story has unique power. Every story will connect with people for different reasons.

Here a few lies that keep people from sharing:

Lie #1: People will think I’m weak

You are not weak because of what you’ve been through.

You are not weak because of the choices you’ve made that led to addictive behavior.

You are human. A human with real life hurts, hang ups and habits that you need help to overcome.

Truth: Revealing your humanity and need for help will inspire others to do the same thing.

Lie #2: I am the only one dealing with ____________.

We know this isn’t true yet this lie is one we repeatedly think and it keeps us quiet.

No one could possibly understand me; no one has been through what I’ve been through. These lies tempt us to keep silent, yet they are not the truth.

While nobody’s story is exactly the same is someone else, there are common threads and themes that help people relate to one another.

Truth: Sharing your story allows people feeling alone and isolated to enter into a community where healing is possible.

Lie #3: My story isn’t complete; I’ll tell it when ______________.

A convenient lie we repeat to keep ourselves silent.

We know you’re not “cured” or have it all together.

Stop trying to fool yourself and us.

Truth: You’re a work in progress. Embrace God’s grace as he works out the rest.

Your humanity (the fact that you still screw up) allows us to connect with you and breathe a little easier.

We don’t need perfect people (they don’t exist) telling us how to be perfect.

We need people who’ve made mistakes to own up and show us how to ask for help.

I’m looking forward to the next several months as we prepare to launch Celebrate Recovery.

Lives will be changed because people find the courage to share their story.

Your story is worth sharing.