Complete Nonsense

How many pounds tall are you?

How many inches do you weigh?

What’s your net worth in ounces?

Does this sound like complete nonsense to you?

It should.

After all, the wrong measurements are being used to answer some fairly standard questions.

The truth is, it’s equally foolish and nonsensical to try to measure and define a person’s value using questions like these:

How much money do they make a year?

What kind of car do they drive?

How high up the corporate ladder have they climbed?

Our identity is not found in our place of employment.

Our value is not found in our net-worth.

Do you want to know how valuable you really are?

1 Corinthians chapter seven says,

“God paid a high price for you.”

He gave His life for you.

He loved each of us enough to lay down His life so we could live.

What about your identity?

1 John 3.1 says,

“See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!”

We are loved by God.

We are members of His family.

We are valued.

We are loved.

We find our true identity in Him.

I hope this serves as an encouraging reminder of who you really are in Christ.