Always Hopeful

When I was a senior in high school I took part in my first (and last) beauty pageant.

“Mr. Kentridge” was a variety show of sorts that was meant to spoof real pageants and talent competitions.

It was the perfect venue to showcase my skills… or lack thereof.

10 high school guys were out to prove they were Kentridge High School’s finest, most talented, handsome and all-around greatest dude.

There was an opening choreographed dance number. I nailed it.

There was a talent portion. Nailed it.

Then the wheels came off…

It was the Q & A portion.

Each contestant stood alone and answered a question concerning current events and world issues.

Like… Such as… The Iraq.

With all eyes fixated on me the question was pulled from an envelope.

“If you could reduce your life slogan to five words and place it on a button what would that button say?”

Just the type of hard-hitting question you’d expect from a prestigious competition like Mr. Kentridge.

With the bright lights beaming down on me I could only make out the silhouettes of the vast crowd in attendance.

I cleared my throat and answered.

“It’s a pretty simple one I guess. The button with my five word life slogan would read: IT’S ALL GOING TO BE OKAY.”

I was so happy with my answer that I had forgotten to check my math. Yes, that was six words. Fail.

No way they would award the Mr. Kentridge crown to a guy who couldn’t do basic math. And they didn’t. I lost. I wasn’t even a runner up.

It was devastating. It took me five long and agonizing minutes to overcome the pain and humiliation of this loss.


As I look back on this competition I can’t help but laugh. It was a lot of fun.

I’m actually proud of the answer I gave when it comes to a life slogan (minus the bad math).

My wife and I are scheduled to take our five-month old son Nolan in for open-heart surgery tomorrow.

The procedure is scheduled to last from three and half to seven hours and will repair a heart defect he was born with called AVSD or AVCD.

Obviously this is scary for us. We want our little boy be healthy and strong. This surgery is necessary for him to do that.

We take comfort in knowing that the best doctors and surgeons are working on him.

We gain strength from the support of our family, friends and church have given us.

Then there’s the hope.

Hope is literally and tangibly felt.

Where does hope come from?

It’s a core belief. And our hope is anchored in Jesus. He is our hope. He is our source.

Jesus loves Nolan. Jesus has a plan for him. Jesus will be with him all the days of his life.

Jesus is our hope.

Jesus is our source.

Jesus is the reason my life slogan button would read: It’s all going to be okay.

Because my hope is found in Jesus.

God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15.13, NLT)

Joy and peace are mine despite any storm that comes my way.

My life is in Jesus’ hands and so is Nolan’s.

I trust in Jesus.

He is my hope, my source, and the one in whom I trust.

And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you. (Psalm 39.7, NLT)

I will remain hopeful.

Always hopeful.

2 thoughts on “Always Hopeful

  1. Andy, great post. Our prayers are with your little Nolan! He’s such a handsome boy. (p.s. I cannot even remember your answer to Mr. KR! And I can’t even remember who won the competition.)

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